

We are all part of a community and all tutors and young people have the opportunity to give back through volunteering, fundraising events, or assisting in schools.
SOTO offer a number of mainstream, targeted and inclusive community based projects to a vast and diverse demographic. All classes work towards multiple community performance opportunities each year such as Christmas cabarets, spring productions, summer community festivals and end of year fundraisers. These showcases help enrich the community spirit whilst raising awareness of the provisions available through SOTO.
Through our partnerships with Local Authorities we have encountered a number of vulnerable young people and young people in need. As a result SOTO currently offers funded spaces to those with no access to extra curricular provisions; volunteer tutors for community projects; teacher training and work experience; and counselling for young people.
A highlight for SOTO is the running of targeted and inclusive sessions for all young people. This gives them an opportunity that many do not have. It gives them a voice to express and share a part of themselves, on a stage, to their community. Specialist tutors use captivating music, contemporary movement and story telling devices to educate and train these young people in performing arts